Wednesday, September 17, 2008

So I,m in day off mode. you would think living in Florida known as the sunshine state I'd be out in the sunshine. But, as you can see I,'m sitting here behind the computer. I mean ,I could go to the beach after all its 10 min away beautiful aqua water and snow white sand but the wonderful life of retail land gives me no days off with my husband hardly ever. Boo hoo sorry for whining. Some day I'm gonna have a job thats mon-fri 8-5 how awesome would that be??? And with one brother and his family in Hawaii and the rest of my family in Oregon this is about the only way I get to make contact with them, which I guess sitting behind this computer isnt all that bad then. We recently went to Oregon and I got to see all of them except the Hawaii ones missed you alot not being there bro but hopefully we can plan one again with ALL of us. I really want Robert to me you thank goodness my new husband loves family things. By the way did I mention hes awesome? Just a reminder if I did'nt. There will be days I'm sure that awesome won't be the word I use because hey we are normal I think anyways. But I probably would save you all the agony of hereing about us arguing. My goals for the near future are to get us moved back to Oregon if a transfer would ever come through and then once we are there try to go to Hawaii to see Randy Karen and family before they don't live there anymore. Hey maybe by our 2nd anniversary we can do it. And I can't wait to hold our little granddaughter again and hug our grandson. Its so great to be a grand parent. Doesn't mean you are old because I refuse to act or feel old. You know keep the upper hand on that sort of thing. my sister Deb got a new collie pup and hes soooo cute and cuddley looking in his pictures I only hope he makes her as happy as her last dog did. but anyway have a wonderful day everyone and talk at you soon.

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Deb and Robert

Andrew and his wife Brandie

Forrest and Stacey


For's lil family

Grandpa and Faith at the beach

Andrew future triathaloner!!!!!

us and the grandkids Andrew and Faith
