Thursday, September 18, 2008

Good morning everyone. Well its back to work today oh boy!!! You ever wondered why couldn't I have been born rich? Yea me too. But then what would we complain about? Little things like where should I go today or maybe what do I want to buy today? I honestly can't imagine living like that. Work may suck but hey when you do finally save up that money for a vacation or that special something you wanted to buy its ssssssssssssssooooooooooooooooooooo exciting. At least for me anyway. Kinda gives you a goal in life. On a different note had to spend the night by myself last night because Robert had to work out of state. That really sucked. Its amazing how much I missed him. You know couldn't make myself go to bed then when I finally did it was toss and turn till I was totally exhausted don't really remember falling asleep but woke up at almost 8. Thats a sleep in to me. So I guess my body needed sleep or my brain was trying to pass the time away so he would be home sooner. My sister does this all the time because her husband is a truck driver I honestly dont know how she does it. Although in my first marriage you know the one I sort of told you about in an earlier blog I would of taken any number of days away from that. Is that mean to say??? There was days when I prayed he would cheat on me so I wouldn't feel bad about leaving him. But, if he did cheat I didn't know about it. And finally I left anyway. And with Robert the 8 hrs a day I have to work is way too long to be away from him. You know that song addicted to love? well I think I may be. Mush.........mush.......... Well so much for that it all boils down to the soulmate thing I guess. Its that half of me missing feeling that grabs you in your stomach isn't love grand???????? Its the best and I hope everyone out there gets to experience it at least once in a life time. Have a good day. Talk at you soon........

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

hi aunt Marilyn,
where some of new picture of you and uncle Robert. But you and uncle Robert need vacation to visit us or move in Hawaiian. So we hang out together. You like to swim or run? do you have a dog?

Deb and Robert

Andrew and his wife Brandie

Forrest and Stacey


For's lil family

Grandpa and Faith at the beach

Andrew future triathaloner!!!!!

us and the grandkids Andrew and Faith
