Monday, September 15, 2008

Did'nt mean to sound sad in my last post but, as they say life truely begins at 50, for me anyway. And believe me if you are in the same kind of situation I was in there is light at the end of the tunnel. Even if there is someone making you feel that you are the most worthless human being. You are not!!!!! Its funny how one person in this world out of everyone can make you feel that way. You know when you finally have someone to talk to about this kind of situation the best advice that they give you is just leave. But, as I found thats easier said than done. First of all you get to that point in your life after being told you are worthless that you actually believe it, and pulling your old self out of that is one of the hardest things that you will probably ever do. One thing I can totally say is its definately worth it and being sad and controlled is not in my life anymore. So my best advice for someone is not just leave but, find yourself and ask is this the way I want to spend the rest of my life? I think deep inside you would say no. And leaving is hard because most of us think of our vows which I consider sacred but if there is no love or respect then there is no marriage so sometimes the vows just ended up on the wrong pair of people. They say everyone has a soulmate I have found this is true. You can feel it without a doubt....... That one person that makes you feel like ummm I guess I wanna say like you finally came home. Life is beautiful and happy and is definately not a torcher chamber. so I vow to live life to the fullest I can and always be happy. You should too!!!!!! Happiness to you........

1 comment:

Debbie said...


Deb and Robert

Andrew and his wife Brandie

Forrest and Stacey


For's lil family

Grandpa and Faith at the beach

Andrew future triathaloner!!!!!

us and the grandkids Andrew and Faith
