Friday, September 26, 2008
well I guess its time to post something. I guess I ran out of things to whine!!!! So its barely daylight here I had to take Robert over the very high skyway bridge this morning so he could go to work in Miami. For one thing its too dang early and it was still dark when we went over the bridge so didn't even get to enjoy the great view from up there. Wait is that a whine I'm hereing. Must be back on track now, shooo had myself worried there for a minute.Thats the bad thing about his job always having to travel but I guess most people don't hire moving crews to move across town. Roberts nephew is in town from Kentucky his name is Andrew and he was Roberts best man in our wedding anyway hes in the army and is getting sent to afganistan in a month so he came home to see everyone. Hes really a nice kid and he snuck of and got married to a girl he met well you guessed it in a chat room. like uncle like nephew or so the saying goes. They actually got married like two weeks before us. Needless to say the grandma was not impressed. So everyone tried to keep it a secret during our wedding until it was time to throw the garter and Andrew didn't go out to catch it. Grandma said Andrew you better get out there and someone said why would he hes already married. A BIIIIGGGGG WHOOPS!!!! She again was not impressed.But alls well that ends well and now shes ok with it after a year. She kind of had to raise Andrew because Roberts sister Kim past away about 9 or 10 years ago of skin cancer. And shes a very controlling person in the first place so you can see why she took this so hard. Mother in laws can't live with em and definately can't live with em. But thats another story so I won't get into that at the moment. Still waiting for my transfer to Oregon but then I'm thinkin how the heck are we gonna move thats the thing about a transfer kinda have to go when the opportunity arises.Don't really want to lose my job because they do pay me well and if I moved there and got a new one the money probably wouldn't be as good so I guess we'll deal with that when the time comes.All I know is I 'm way homesick and miss my family terribly. I finally did get to talk to Forrest 2 days ago and he reminded me mom do you realize in 2 years I'll be 30. I said thanks for reminding me and making me feel the o word. Oh well age is all what you make of it. I have to stay young since my husband is still only 39. Thats the hard thing I told him I'd go backwards and he could go forward till we were the same age. I don't know think that will work??? anyway have a great Friday and love you all
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Well today is Sunday and you guessed it day off. So, we snacked, napped, and watched football. And my Bears got whooped by Roberts stupid bucs. But I don't think they would of if it hadn't been for a bogus call from the ref. Oh well next time all I can say is GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!! On a different note my little boy turned 28 today. Where did the time go. And the worst part of it is I can't even get ahold of him to tell him happy birthday. It's tough bein a mom and even tougher when your kid lives on the other side of the country from you. And I know I used little boy and 28 in the same sentence but to me he will always be my little boy . So in my heart I'm saying happy birthday son I love you. omg I almost forgot, gotta tell you what happened to me yesterday. I went on break at work and I got my bottle of water out of the freezer and opened it took 1 tiny little sip out of it because the ice was pushing out and it smelled funny and within 1 min of taking that sip my lips started burning really bad then they started to swell then my tongue and roof of my mouth started swelling. I paniced how can you have an allergic reaction to water???? Only me. There is a nurse practitioner at the grocery store by my work so I walked down there and by the time I got there my nostrils were starting to swell. She told me I was having an allergic reation to something DUH I was thinking she ask me what I had eaten and I hadnt eaten anything that day except that sip of water. So she made me take 50 mil of benedril. well 30 min later I couldn't keep my eyes open, but the swelling was going down. Needless to say I kept that bottle of water and I'm gonna call the manufacture of it on Monday. What is this world coming to when you can't even drink water? Scarey huh???? anyway have a great week and talk soon
Friday, September 19, 2008
Happy Friday everyone. Well finally off work and back to the grind tomorrow but I get Sunday off this week. Yahoo!!!! We are collecting money at work for the red cross to fund hurricane Ike victims. I never thought I'd have to worry about that.And I feel really sorry for all the people that lost there homes or even worse someone they love. It amazed me how many people won't donated even a dollar. Its a sad society we live in these days. I honestly can't wait to move back too a small town instead of a big city. Not much of a city girl I guess. This town kind of reminds me of living in Vegas Debbie do you remember how rude the people were there back then? I do. So, I was driving to work today and all of a sudden theres all these hugh sheets of paper all over the road. People are dodging in and out of traffic to miss them, remember we are going around 60 mph and people drive like maniacs here. So, shoooo I missed one crap theres another one did I hit it didn't here nothing must not of but where did it go???? Oh good a red light I'd get out and look but in 4 lanes of traffic nah I'll wait ,I'm thinkin. Then bein the space cadet that I can be I'm off in lala land drivin along thinkin about who knows and forgot all about even looking. Not very smart huh? I get to work and then leave and go to lunch still not remembering hey stupid look for paper why isn't my air conditioning working very well. Hmmmm paper never crossed my mind. Finished working and got in my car to leave and this couple stopped me as I was leaving the parking lot and he pulled this huge piece of paper out of my car. I have a chrysler sebring so it has a big opening on the front which to my surprise was filled with paper. All I can say is I guess I should of got out at the light and checked. Don't seem to have done any damage to anything and hey the air is working perfect now go figure. But anyway have a great Friday night. see ya
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Good morning everyone. Well its back to work today oh boy!!! You ever wondered why couldn't I have been born rich? Yea me too. But then what would we complain about? Little things like where should I go today or maybe what do I want to buy today? I honestly can't imagine living like that. Work may suck but hey when you do finally save up that money for a vacation or that special something you wanted to buy its ssssssssssssssooooooooooooooooooooo exciting. At least for me anyway. Kinda gives you a goal in life. On a different note had to spend the night by myself last night because Robert had to work out of state. That really sucked. Its amazing how much I missed him. You know couldn't make myself go to bed then when I finally did it was toss and turn till I was totally exhausted don't really remember falling asleep but woke up at almost 8. Thats a sleep in to me. So I guess my body needed sleep or my brain was trying to pass the time away so he would be home sooner. My sister does this all the time because her husband is a truck driver I honestly dont know how she does it. Although in my first marriage you know the one I sort of told you about in an earlier blog I would of taken any number of days away from that. Is that mean to say??? There was days when I prayed he would cheat on me so I wouldn't feel bad about leaving him. But, if he did cheat I didn't know about it. And finally I left anyway. And with Robert the 8 hrs a day I have to work is way too long to be away from him. You know that song addicted to love? well I think I may be. Mush.........mush.......... Well so much for that it all boils down to the soulmate thing I guess. Its that half of me missing feeling that grabs you in your stomach isn't love grand???????? Its the best and I hope everyone out there gets to experience it at least once in a life time. Have a good day. Talk at you soon........
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
So I,m in day off mode. you would think living in Florida known as the sunshine state I'd be out in the sunshine. But, as you can see I,'m sitting here behind the computer. I mean ,I could go to the beach after all its 10 min away beautiful aqua water and snow white sand but the wonderful life of retail land gives me no days off with my husband hardly ever. Boo hoo sorry for whining. Some day I'm gonna have a job thats mon-fri 8-5 how awesome would that be??? And with one brother and his family in Hawaii and the rest of my family in Oregon this is about the only way I get to make contact with them, which I guess sitting behind this computer isnt all that bad then. We recently went to Oregon and I got to see all of them except the Hawaii ones missed you alot not being there bro but hopefully we can plan one again with ALL of us. I really want Robert to me you thank goodness my new husband loves family things. By the way did I mention hes awesome? Just a reminder if I did'nt. There will be days I'm sure that awesome won't be the word I use because hey we are normal I think anyways. But I probably would save you all the agony of hereing about us arguing. My goals for the near future are to get us moved back to Oregon if a transfer would ever come through and then once we are there try to go to Hawaii to see Randy Karen and family before they don't live there anymore. Hey maybe by our 2nd anniversary we can do it. And I can't wait to hold our little granddaughter again and hug our grandson. Its so great to be a grand parent. Doesn't mean you are old because I refuse to act or feel old. You know keep the upper hand on that sort of thing. my sister Deb got a new collie pup and hes soooo cute and cuddley looking in his pictures I only hope he makes her as happy as her last dog did. but anyway have a wonderful day everyone and talk at you soon.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Did'nt mean to sound sad in my last post but, as they say life truely begins at 50, for me anyway. And believe me if you are in the same kind of situation I was in there is light at the end of the tunnel. Even if there is someone making you feel that you are the most worthless human being. You are not!!!!! Its funny how one person in this world out of everyone can make you feel that way. You know when you finally have someone to talk to about this kind of situation the best advice that they give you is just leave. But, as I found thats easier said than done. First of all you get to that point in your life after being told you are worthless that you actually believe it, and pulling your old self out of that is one of the hardest things that you will probably ever do. One thing I can totally say is its definately worth it and being sad and controlled is not in my life anymore. So my best advice for someone is not just leave but, find yourself and ask is this the way I want to spend the rest of my life? I think deep inside you would say no. And leaving is hard because most of us think of our vows which I consider sacred but if there is no love or respect then there is no marriage so sometimes the vows just ended up on the wrong pair of people. They say everyone has a soulmate I have found this is true. You can feel it without a doubt....... That one person that makes you feel like ummm I guess I wanna say like you finally came home. Life is beautiful and happy and is definately not a torcher chamber. so I vow to live life to the fullest I can and always be happy. You should too!!!!!! Happiness to you........
Sunday, September 14, 2008
well second time in blogland feels kinda ummm should i say good. anyway life in Florida where do I start? First of all I ended up here because at 50 I decided to run away from home. Yea I know that sounds kinda weird but hey you gotta do what you gotta do. Started out in oregon in a long 29 yr loveless marriage you know wasnt aloud to have friends was made to feel like I was worthless you know the mental and physical abuse thing well to shorten the story I was messing with my cell phone one night and I found this chat room. Wait its not like it sounds honest. Anyway I met lots of people some good some not so good and built my friends online. That way I could talk to people and try to feel a little normal without my x ever knowing. Was kinda dangerous considering if he would of caught me all hell would of broken out. But as I said life goes on. Then one day in December I chatted with this guy in Florida well do you see where Im going with this? Anyway he made me smile and laugh and not have that worthless feeling every time we talked. I felt like I had found the other half of my heart. I dont know maybe thats how you know you found your soul mate. I told him all about me and my life and he was always just a phone call away with sweet things to say and just the right words when I needed it. so one day me and my son Forrest was coming home from town and out of the blue he said I needed to get away from his dad before something bad happened so I did. He gave me a black eye and when he fell asleep I left with only my clothes that I could carry. I bought a ticket to Florida and waited to leave. That was probably one of the worst days I had ,leaving my kid and grandson and my family I was never aloud to see. But I did it and of course I had the flights from hell. got stranded in Chicago for hours on the plane waiting for the wings to get defrosted, oh by the way I was still in shock at this time and really wasnt feeling any kind of emotions. So all the time I sitting on this plane I cant call Robert because oh yea Robert is who I was going to meet in Florida, anyway because they wouldnt let us use our phones. So I sat there in this stuper. Finally we took off like 4 hrs later seriously it sucked. When we landed I called Robert and told him I was finally here and he said give me 20 min., so I went and got my luggage and sat on it patiently waiting when out of the blue it struck me, oh my god what am I doing? what if he doesnt like me? what if hes a killer? I know that sounds far fetched but these days how do you know. I just convinced myself oh well it cant be any worse than what I had just left. So back to the sitting..... and waiting.......and geez it felt like every minute was an hour. Then I seen him of course until now all I had was photos so I mean I think thats him ok calm down hey hes cute shoooo ok a cute killer stop my brain was going a hundred miles an hr in this one minute. Hes looking around as hes coming through the door and then he looks at me. Hes smiling im smiling and a little teary eyed must be jet lag.... then he does it he kissed me on my forehead. I dont know about any of you but to a girl that hadnt been kissed in well years and years that was the most wonderful kiss I had ever had. we got in the pickup and headed to his house I sat against the door, hey dont laugh I was new at this dating if you could call it that thing. He ask me to scoot over by him said he didnt bite so nervously I moved over kind of embarrassed Im 50 remember????? Then it happened we stopped at a red light and he kissed me just a little light one wow!!!!!!!!!!!! It may sound weird but his lips felt so familiar to me. My soul mate??? I knew right then I was going to spend the rest of my life with this man.So to make a long story short 2 years later we married. I love him so much and he still makes me feel like that first kiss, safe, loved and very very happy. Sounds like an e harmony commercial but I owe it all to sprints chatroom. Thankyou sprint...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
so i finally made it to blogspot and geez it only took a couple months guess bone head would be the word. I looked at the pix of Daniels grad and I am so proud of him a Marine thats awesome. well here in florida we were just brushed by hurricane ike thank goodness for brushings. So far I havent had to deal with a real hurricane and I for one am not looking forward to that if I ever have to. Anyway I guess Im here in blog land and will get better as I figure this out.
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Deb and Robert
Andrew and his wife Brandie
Forrest and Stacey
For's lil family
Grandpa and Faith at the beach
Andrew future triathaloner!!!!!
us and the grandkids Andrew and Faith