Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ok so I've been doing this getting slim thing for 3 days now and I have lost 3 lbs. I am excited and hope it continues. 1 lb a day I can def handle. I know 3 lbs don't sound like much but its a start and hey its better than gaining 3 lbs and it really isn't torcher or anything. So I just thought I'd keep who ever is interested posted. love you guys


Debbie said...

Hi Mar, I am so GLAD you are back on your blog. I really miss you here. I think three pounds is very incredible. wish i could say the same thing. what kind of a program is it. Is it easy.Hope you stay with your blog .I always look for you here. It seems so much more private and peaceful here.

Debbie said...

HELP CECIL HELP !!! i am trying to call you but the phone number i have isn't working, it is some asian guy named fred and evelyn. did you change phones? let me know. i need to call you and tell you Happy Happy Birthday.

Deb and Robert

Andrew and his wife Brandie

Forrest and Stacey


For's lil family

Grandpa and Faith at the beach

Andrew future triathaloner!!!!!

us and the grandkids Andrew and Faith
